| Saturation at less than 5 amperes. Therefore limited to line currents below this value
| No saturation at any current. Performance remains constant at any oper. freq.
| Various losses at DC and at oper.freq. of 60, 400 & 1000Hz
| No losses at DC or at any oper. freq.
| Resonate at relatively low freq. in the 1-100 MHz range. Beyond resonant freq. attenuation drops off sharply.
| No resonant freq. Attenuation increases with frequency
Attenuation | Increasing number of beads beyond a small number provides little attenuation increase. Resonant frequency is only shifted and attenuation drops off sharply after resonant frequency.
| Attenuation is proportional to length and rises with frequency.
Permeability | Bead permeability is maximized. this limits their attenuation characteristics beyond 50 MHz. Due to high permeability beads becoming lossy resisters and attenuation is not enough.
| Low permeability with high DC resistivity. This is necessary for maximum smooth attenuation from 10 MHz to 100 GHz.
Flexibility Radiation Sheilding
| Ferrite beads are rigid, when more than one bead is usedthe gaps between the beads cannot effectively prevent RF radiation. Ferrite beads will radiate high frequencies | Flexibility and pliable. Can be applied with no gaps or spaces. Can be used as an RF shield.